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Haobo ZengPartner

Mr. Zeng specializes in civil and commercial dispute resolution.

During his more than 20 years of practice, Mr. Zeng has undertaken nearly 1,000 civil and commercial litigation, enforcement and bankruptcy cases, handling cases with a cumulative value of tens of billions of RMB. After years of accumulation and precipitation, Mr. Zeng has been providing clients with extremely high-quality legal services in the areas of traditional commercial litigation, such as finance and corporate equity, as well as the collection of non-performing debts and bankruptcy.

Education background

Bachelor of Law degree, Faculty of Law, Xiangtan University

Mr. Zeng’s working language is Mandarin Chinese.

Working experience

1993-1995, OCT Commercial Development Company.

1995-2005, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court.

2005-2016, Deheng (Shenzhen) Law Offices.

2017-2020, Beijing Tian Tong Law Firm.

2020-present, T&C (Shenzhen) Law Firm.