T&C Law Firm assisted Jianbang Co., Ltd. to be successfully listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange
2024-07-05 15:05:14

On July 5, 2024, Shandong Jianbang New Materials Co., Ltd. (stock abbreviation "Jianbang Shares", stock code 603285), for which T&C Law Firm acts as the issuer’s lawyer, was successfully listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.


Jianbang Co., Ltd. was established in 2014. Since its establishment, the company has taken "Honesty, Innovation, Responsibility, and Win-win" as its core values, took the environmental-friendly additives industry of polymer materials as the entry point, and through years of operation and development, has become a high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. It has also achieved a leading market position and industry influence in the segmented product fields.

Jianbang Co., Ltd. issued 40 million shares this time, at an issue price of 18.65 RMB, and the total amount of funds raised was 746 million RMB.


As the issuer's lawyer of Jianbang Co., Ltd. for this listing, T&C Law Firm has participated in all stages of this project throughout the process, providing comprehensive, professional, efficient and meticulous legal services for Jianbang Co., Ltd.'s issuance and listing. It has contributed to making Jianbang Co., Ltd. the first company listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in Shandong Province this year and the third new main board listed company under the new situation after the introduction of the "Nine National Policies".


The team from T&C Law Firm on this project include: Partner Kong Jin, Sheng Min, Zuo Liyang, Shang Siqi and Zhang Hao.