T&C Law Firm was invited to draft "Chambers Global Practice Guide: Shareholder Rights and Shareholder Activism 2023"
2023-10-23 10:25:26

The internationally renowned legal rating agency Chambers and Partners recently published Chambers’ “Global Practice Guide: Shareholders' Rights & Shareholder Activism 2023”. T&C Law Firm was invited to write the “China Chapter: Trends and Developments (CHINA - Trends and Developments)” part of the Guide. The authors involved in the writing include Jiang Guoliang, the managing partner of T&C Law Firm, partner Huang Jie, paralegals Jiang Hui and Kang Jiali.


The Guideline covers 17 judicial jurisdictions worldwide. This article mainly discusses the provisions on shareholders' rights and shareholder activism under the current “Company Law of the People's Republic of China”, introducing the changing trends of relevant laws and regulations, and the impact of these provisions and changes on protecting shareholders' rights and interests and promoting corporate governance practices. Corporate business is a daily core business area of T&C Law Firm. In terms of corporate legal services, T&C Law Firm has very extensive and in-depth experience, providing comprehensive and professional legal services for various corporate businesses involved by enterprises of different types, of different natures and at different stages.

To refer to the full article, please visit the link: https://gpg-pdf.chambers.com/view/677168365/